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Heliophysical observatory of the hungarian academy of sciences
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DEBRECEN Photoheliographic Data for the year 1987
Title : DEBRECEN Photoheliographic Data for the year 1987 : on the basis of photographic observations tajken at the obseravtories of Debrecen and Gyula(Hungary), as well as Abastumani(Georgia), Ebro(Spain), Kiev(Ukraine), Kislovodsk(Russia), Kodaikanal(India) and Tashkent(Uzbekistan) Material Type: printed text Authors: L. Gy˘ri, Editor Publisher: Debrecen : Heliophysical observatory of the hungarian academy of sciences Publication Date: 1998 Series: Publications of Debrecen heliophysical observatoryHeliographic series No. No. 11 Pagination: 45 str. Size: 30 cm General note: Pergam ID: MF 1704 Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: Astronomija Keywords: DEBRECEN photoheliographic data for the year 1987 Class number: 523:5 DEBRECEN Photoheliographic Data for the year 1987 : on the basis of photographic observations tajken at the obseravtories of Debrecen and Gyula(Hungary), as well as Abastumani(Georgia), Ebro(Spain), Kiev(Ukraine), Kislovodsk(Russia), Kodaikanal(India) and Tashkent(Uzbekistan) [printed text] / L. Gy˘ri, Editor . - Debrecen : Heliophysical observatory of the hungarian academy of sciences, 1998 . - 45 str. ; 30 cm. - (Publications of Debrecen heliophysical observatoryHeliographic series; No. 11) .
Pergam ID: MF 1704
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Astronomija Keywords: DEBRECEN photoheliographic data for the year 1987 Class number: 523:5 Hold
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